Transfer Orbits Guided by the Unstable/Stable Manifolds of the Lagrangian Points A.A. Correa, G. Gomez and T.J. Stuchi Abstract. The unstable and stable manifolds of the Lagrangian point orbits provide a natural mechanism to transfer natural and artificial bodies in the Solar System. In the case of spacecrafts, low energy transfer trajectories can be attained using the complex dynamics described by the unstable/stable manifolds which coalesce in those orbits. However, these manifold tubes do not approach the larger primary, so that is not possible to determine a transfer orbit from the Earth to the Moon vicinity in the Earth-Moon system. This fact can be overcome by decoupling the restricted four body problem into two planar restricted three body systems with a common primary body (Sun-Earth-spacecraft+Earth-Moon-spacecraft). The spacecraft leaves the Earth parking orbit through the stable/unstable manifold structure in the Sun-Earth problem and it is then connected to a transit orbit related to the stable manifold of the Earth-Moon problem. A Poincare map located on a plane through the Earth is used to find the appropriate connections which depend on the Jacobi's constant of each model.