TITLE: One dimensional invariant manifolds of Gevrey type in real-analytic maps AUTHORS: Inma Baldomá^(1) and Ālex Haro^(2) (1) Departament de Matemātica Aplicada I Universitat Politčcnica de Catalunya Diagonal 647 08028 Barcelona, Spain (2) Departament de Matemātica Aplicada i Anālisi Universitat de Barcelona Gran Via 585 08007 Barcelona, Spain E-mails: immaculada.baldoma@upc.edu, alex@maia.ub.es ABSTRACT: In this paper we study the basic questions of existence, uniqueness, differentiability, analyticity and computability of the one dimensional center manifold of a parabolic-hyperbolic fixed point of a real-analytic map. We use the parameterization method, reducing the dynamics on the center manifold to a polynomial. We prove that the asymptotic expansions of the center manifold are of Gevrey type. Moreover, under suitable hypothesis, we also prove that the asymptotic expansions correspond to a real-analytic parameterization of an invariant curve that goes to the fixed point. The parameterization is Gevrey at the fixed point, hence $C^\infty$.