Preprints 2003

  1. Normal-internal resonances in quasi-periodically forced oscillators: a conservative approach
    Henk Broer, Heinz Hanßmann, Àngel Jorba, Jordi Villanueva, Florian Wagener
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (3.3 Mb), zipped version (3.3 Mb). (Jan 2003)

  2. Invariant curves near Hamiltonian-Hopf bifurcations of 4D symplectic maps
    Àngel Jorba, Mercè Ollé
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1.8 Mb), zipped version (1.8 Mb). (Jan 2003)

  3. Cantor Spectrum for the Almost Mathieu Operator. Corollaries of localization, reducibility and duality.
    Joaquim Puig
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (89 Kb), zipped version (89 Kb). (Mar 2003)

  4. On the dynamics of the Trojan asteroids. (Ph.D. Thesis)
    Frederic Gabern
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (6 Mb), zipped version (6 Mb). (Apr 2003)

  5. On the accuracy of Restricted Three-Body Models for the Trojan motion
    Frederic Gabern, Àngel Jorba and Philippe Robutel.
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (180 Kb), Pdf (325 Kb). (June 2003)

  6. On the Lagrangian points of the real Earth-Moon system
    Enric Castellà, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (458 Kb), zipped version (459 Kb). (Sep 2003)

  7. Quasi-periodic response solutions at normal-internal resonances
    Henk Broer, Heinz Hanßmann, Àngel Jorba, Jordi Villanueva, Florian Wagener
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (2.9 Mb), zipped version (2.9 Mb). (Sep 2003)

  8. On the fractalization of invariant curves
    Àngel Jorba, Joan Carles Tatjer
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1.2 Mb), zipped version (1.2 Mb). (Sep 2003)

  9. A parallel method to compute quasi-periodic solutions
    Àngel Jorba, Estrella Olmedo
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (37 Kb), zipped version (38 Kb). (Sep 2003)

  10. Normal form for a quasi-periodic perturbation of the Sun-Jupiter RTBP
    Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba
    Actas del XVIII CEDYA / VIII CMA, Universitat de Tarragona (2003).
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (863 Kb). Acrobat Pdf (527 Kb). (Sep 2003)

  11. Cálculo de soluciones cuasi-periódicas reducibles en un computador paralelo
    Àngel Jorba, Estrella Olmedo
    Actas del XVIII CEDYA / VIII CMA, Universitat de Tarragona (2003).
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (179 Kb), zipped version (180 Kb). (Sep 2003)

  12. Unstable manifolds computation for the two-dimensional plane Poiseuille flow
    Pablo S. Casas, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (6.7 Mb), zipped version (6.7 Mb). (Sep 2003)

  13. KAM theory without action-angle variables
    Rafael de la Llave, Alejandra González, Àngel Jorba, Jordi Villanueva
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (218 Kb), zipped version (219 Kb). (Sep 2003)

  14. The Bianular and Tricircular Coherent Problems
    Frederic Gabern and Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (792 Kb), Acrobat Pdf (1.3 Mb). PostScript+additional files (826 Kb). (Dec 2003)

  15. Existence and measure of 2-quasiperiodicity in Hamiltonian one-and-a-half degree of freedom systems
    H.W. Broer, M. van Noort and C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (130 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  16. Quasi-periodic Hénon-like attractors in the Lorenz-84 climate model with seasonal forcing
    H.W. Broer, R. Vitolo and C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (850 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  17. Stability of homographic solutions of the planar three-body problem with homogeneous potentials
    Regina Martínez, Anna Samà and C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (214 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  18. On the use of Lyapunov exponents to detect global properties of the dynamics
    Carles Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (730 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  19. Continuation of periodic orbits in large-scale dissipative systems
    J. Sánchez, M. Net, B. García-Archilla and Carles Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (70 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  20. Computational bifurcations and stability analysis of the flow in a cubical cavity heated from below
    D. Puigjaner, J. Herrero, C. Simó and F. Giralt
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (1.6 Mb), (Dec 2003)

  21. The spectrum of Schrödinger operators with quasi-periodic potential: a dynamical approach
    Joaquim Puig and C. Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (50 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  22. Dynamical systems, numerical experiments and super-computing
    Carles Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (7.5 Mb), (Dec 2003)

  23. Newton-Krylov continuation of periodic orbits for Navier-Stokes flows
    J. Sánchez, M. Net, B. García-Archilla and Carles Simó
    Abstract (ASCII file), gzipped PostScript (980 Kb), (Dec 2003)

  24. Three-Dimensional p-q Resonant Orbits Close to Second Species Solutions
    E. Barrabés and G. Gómez
    Appeared in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 85, 145-174, 2003.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (229 KB).

  25. Trajectory Correction Manoeuvres in the Transfer to Libration Point Orbits
    G. Gómez, M. Marcote and J.J. Masdemont
    Appeared in Proceedings of the Conference Libration Point Orbits and Applications. G. Gómez et al. Eds., World Scientific, pp. 287-310, 2003.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (1.1 MB).

  26. Dynamical Substitutes of the Libration Points for Simplified Solar System Models.
    G. Gómez, J.J. Masdemont and J.M. Mondelo
    Appeared in Proceedings of the Conference Libration Point Orbits and Applications. G. Gómez et al. Eds., World Scientific, pp. 373-398, 2003.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (447 KB).

  27. Libration Point Orbits: A Survey from the Dynamical Point of View.
    G. Gómez, J.J. Masdemont and J.M. Mondelo
    Appeared in Proceedings of the Conference Libration Point Orbits and Applications. G. Gómez et al. Eds., World Scientific, pp. 311-372, 2003.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (2.4 MB).

  28. Capture zones of the family of functions $\lambda z^m e^z$.
    N. Fagella and A. Garijo
    Appeared in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13, pp. 2623-2640, 2003.
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (1054 KB).

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